As a member of the NordInvasion wiki staff, you have edit permissions for nearly all the public pages. This includes the ability to modify existing pages and create new ones. Do not abuse this power or you will be banned.
This staff page serves as the place where staffers can view our styling guidelines for formatting pages and the hierarchy of namespaces.
As this wiki is very new, the guidelines are not fully set. They will likely change as the wiki matures.
The wiki is made up of sections called “namespaces” which are something like folders. Our current hierarchy strategy is to keep things simple and flat. Namespaces should be reserved for cases where there will be many pages about the same subject. An example is the list of nords or items. If you do create a namespace, be sure to write a “start” page as an index.
The styling guides currently are very basic.
Be sure to use headers so that the Table of Contents is populated correctly.
Whenever possible, include a summery of what the page is about under the main header.