Class Stats Infantry
Heavy Infantry +1 Ironflesh Sergeant +1 Ironflesh Commando +2 Ironflesh Royal Guard +1 Athletics, +1 Ironflesh (+4 Ironflesh from previous tiers), +2 Shield Legionnaire (+4 Ironflesh from previous tiers) Zweihander -1 Athletics, +6 Ironflesh (+4 Ironflesh from previous tiers), -30 Polearm, -65 Crossbow, -40 Throwing, -1 Power Throw Juggernaut merged with Zweihander (item exceptions below)
Sentry +2 Athletics, +1 Ironflesh Ranger +70 One Handed, -40 Two Handed, +4 Power Strike Sentinel merged with Ranger
Pavise Champion +1 Power Strike, +1 Athletics, +2 Ironflesh, +1 Shield, +35 One Handed Repeaterman +1 Ironflesh, -30 Crossbow Aventurier merged with Pavise Champion
Halberdier +35 Polearm, +1 Power Strike, -1 Shield Hoplite +2 Shield Marauder merged with Halberdier (item exceptions below)
Items Infantry
Noble Bastion added to Infantry Heroes Winged Helmets & Dragon Helmets moved to Legionnaire (Griffon Bascinets will gain +1 armor in a future update) Verloren Plate moved to Legionnaire Plate Over Leather moved to Legionnaire only
Ancient Greatsword added to Sentry Volundr Greatsword added to Sentry Durendal added to Sentry
Malice added to Master Peltast Vagabond Helmet moved to Hoplite and Master Peltast Tiger Scale Armour moved to Hoplite and Master Peltast Gold Lamellar Armour moved to Hoplite and Master Peltast
The below items will be available for exchange at level 1 personal crafting for the next two weeks (this also includes their respective upgraded versions):
Plate Over Leather -> Defender Armor Winged Helmets & Dragon Helmets -> Defender Helmet Verloren Plate -> Savior Plate Armor Tiger Scale Armour -> Leather Overmail Gold Lamellar Armour -> Grandmaster Halberdier Studded Leather Vagabond Helmet -> Thanos Legacy
We will continue to monitor the game balance and make adjustments as necessary. More changes will come with the next client update.
These comprehensive reforms aim to revitalize Swadia's military prowess and restore our kingdom to its former glory. With renewed strength and determination, we stand ready to reclaim our lands and secure a prosperous future for all Swadians.
Furthermore, our leadership has been proactive! Our chief requisition officers have developed methods of crafting many materials at once! Additionally, collaborating with the realm's most skilled smiths and priests, we've discovered a new method to utilize the recently collected Legendary Essence.
Added "50x Basic Wood/Rough Cloth/Scrap Metal" recipes at level 15 Added "500x Basic Wood/Rough Cloth/Scrap Metal" recipes at level 30 Added "20x Steel" to level 12 Blacksmith Added "20x Blade Shard/Handle/Flemish String" recipes at level 22 Blacksmith Added "20x Basic Leather" to level 12 Armorsmith Added "20x Armour Plate/Strap/Silk" recipes at level 22 Armorsmith Added "20x Bone Powder" recipe at level 12 Alchemist Added "20x Bone Dust/Dye/Oil" recipes at level 22 Alchemist Added "50x Chain/Construction Tools/Processed Wood" recipes at level 13 of their respective House Crafting professions Modified legendary awakening recipes to take one upgrade kit (Masterwork Toolkit/Blessed Sacrifice/Cursed Offering), one craftable equipment, and a scaling amount of Legendary Essence. Recipes have been split when necessary into separate recipes for each crafted equipment option. The craftable item used is in parentheses in the recipe title. Added a way to obtain Legendary Essence through crafting. Have fun Smile