Material Drop List

Contact 'Julianature' when you want to help make this list even more precise.

Overview Normal Mode Drops Hard Mode Drops Ragnarok Mode Drops Cavalry Mode Drops
Bent Sword 26x 3x / 16x
Bone Shard 5x 6x / 5x
Chain Link / 20x 19x 7x
Coal 14x / / 8x
Crooked Stick 26x 9x / 5x
Hardened Metal / 27x 21x 20x
Heavy Cloth 1x 16x 23x 22x
Hydra Leaf 4x 4x / 11x
Nem Flower 16x 6x / 7x
Old Boots 37x 7x / 24x
Shade Ore 6x / / 13x
Sparkly Necklace 4x / 3x 1x
Spurn Berry 9x 4x / 10x
Sturdy Wood / 17x 6x 18x
Twisted String 2x 20x / 23x
Wolf Teeth Necklace 5x 10x / 4x
Worm Root 11x 8x / 13x
Bear Fur / / 1x 3x
Bronze Arrowhead / 11x / 9x
Copper Bar / / 6x /
Damascus Steel / / 3x 3x
Eagle Feather / / 6x 1x
Raven Feather 2x / / 5x
Scale of Fafnir / 4x 1x 9x
Small Lump of Lead / 1x 15x 2x
Sulphur / 1x 6x 1x
Water of Hvergelmir / 2x 8x 7x
Wood of Glasir / 5x 7x 4x
Zinc Shard / / 3x 2x