===== Quests for Ragnarok Difficulty ===== * [[besieged|Besieged!]] * [[break_the_shields_that_block_us|Break the Shields that Block Us]] * [[can_t_hit_a_moving_target_ii|Can't Hit a Moving Target II]] * [[clan_hunter|Clan Hunter]] * [[collecting_heads_iii|Collecting Heads III]] * [[congratulations_minion_killer|Congratulations, Minion Killer...]] * [[defender_of_midgard|Defender of Midgard]] * [[Dwarf Destroyer]] * [[end_their_trolling_days|End their trolling days!]] * [[Giant Slayer]] * [[god_slayer|God Slayer]] * [[in_it_for_the_long_haul_iii|In It for the Long Haul III]] * [[Lady Killer]] * [[legacy_of_a_hero|Legacy of a Hero]] * [[prime_slayer|Prime Slayer]] * [[rise_from_the_ashes|Rise From the Ashes]] * [[Rise From the Ashes II]] * [[send_them_back_to_valhalla|Send them back to Valhalla!]] * [[Stop Following Me!]] * [[the_artillery_must_be_destroyed|The Artillery Must be Destroyed!]] * [[whalers_ragnarok|Whalers Ragnarok]]