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Changelog for 0.2.5

New Features

  • Talk to the living - Press the 'u' key when you are dead and you will be able to chat to all players, alive or dead
  • Lots more crafting content (See the crafting board for more details)
  • Added the basics for player run houses (These act as guilds for players to organise around)

Changes / Fixes

  • Nord Sargeant now has a Hunter instead of a Charger
  • Items that are dropped can be picked up now, if your strength is high enough.
  • Fixed lots of glitchable/exploitable areas in Swadian Village
  • Spread out the spawn of Nords, they will now approach from the hills as well as the main entrance
  • Fixed the bots spawning on the boat on Beach Assault
  • Fixed a player spawn bug on mountain pass that meant sometimes people fell to their death
  • Stats and Attributes should be more stable now
  • Level cap has been raised to 34 (this is again temporary for now)
  • Changed the ratio at which you gain strength / agility making it take a lot longer. However the difficulty requirements to buy weapons in the marketplace have been halved to compensate for this.
  • Fixed the bug with FF not being active on the servers. There is now 10% self friendly fire
  • Fixed an issue with the soup/ammo resupply not storing in the stats properly


  • Optimized the mod release by removing a lot of unnecessary files (it should be around 5mb now)
  • Changed the splash screen logo to include version number + logo
general/changelog/0.2.5.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/23 01:26 by