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general:classes:crossbowman [2015/07/19 03:32] external edit
general:classes:crossbowman [2017/03/23 01:26]
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-^Skill^ Recruit ^ Crossbowman ^ Heavy Crossbowman ^ Man At Arms ^ Sharpshooter ^ 
-|One handed | 80 | 90(+10) | 105(+15) | 120(+15) | 135(+15) | 
-|Two handed | 80 |80 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 
-|Polearms | 20 |20 | 20 | 20 | 20| 
-|Archery | 20 |20 | 20| 20 | 20 | 
-|Crossbow | 20 |85(+65) | 160(+75) | 235(+75) | 320(+85) | 
-|Throwing | 20 |20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 
-|Power draw | 1 |1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 
-|Power throw | 1 |1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 
-|Power strike | 2 |3(+1) | 3 | 4(+1) | 5(+1) | 
-|Ironflesh | 2 |2 | 3(+1) | 4(+1) | 5(+1) | 
-|Athletics | 1 |1 | 2(+1) | 3(+1) | 4(+1) | 
-|Shield | 1 |2(+1) | 2 | 3(+1) | 4(+1) | 
-====Armour & Weapons Overview==== 
-====Crossbowman Hero Classes==== 
-Total(+changes from Sharpshooter) 
-^Skill^ Chosen Marksman ^ Aventurier ^ Pavise Champion ^ 
-|One handed | 185(+50) | 220(+85) | 185(+50) | 
-|Two handed | 120(+40) | 120(+40) | 120(+40) | 
-|Polearms | 45(+25) | 45(+25) | 45(+25) | 
-|Archery | 20 | 20 | 20 | 
-|Crossbow | 350(+30) | 320 | 320 | 
-|Throwing | 20 | 20 | 20 | 
-|Power draw | 1 | 1 | 1 | 
-|Power throw | 1 | 1 | 1 | 
-|Power strike | 6(+1) | 7(+2) | 7(+2) | 
-|Ironflesh | 6(+1) | 6(+1) | 7(+2) | 
-|Athletics | 6(+2) | 7(+3) | 6(+2) | 
-|Shield | 6(+2) | 6(+2) | 9(+5) | 
-**Chosen Marksman** 
-The idea for this hero class is pretty simple: higher Crossbow WPF for faster shooting. ​ This hero class also gives a Power Strike increase of 1 (equal to ~8% damage in melee) and a decent Athletics and Shield increase of 2 each.  To be as generic as possible, this class also gets the usual 50 One handed, 40 Two handed, and slightly higher 30 Polearm WPF (as compared to 25) boosts to make them more useful if they ever happen to be required to slash. ​ Hopefully this is never the case. 
-Again, simple design. ​ High One handed WPF (85 more, meaning an approximate 10% increase in damage and 3-4 weapon speed), moderate Two handed and Polearm increase for those "OH NO _________ ARE ALL DEAD AND I NEED TO GO SLASH!"​ moments. ​ Unlike the other two Sharpshooter hero classes, however, this one gets a 3 Athletics boost (as compared to 2).  This allows this hero to get around the base faster and use that one hand skill to the benefit of the team.  Like Chosen Marksman, this class gets an additional 2 Shield, which could be useful if a shielder goes down and there aren't any to spare. ​ This class also gets a Power strike increase of 2, as compared to the Chosen Marksman increase of 1, meaning this class can do a bit more melee damage. ​ This fits in well with the One handed WPF increase.  ​ 
-**Pavise Champion** 
-This is the Royal Guard of Sharpshooters. ​ An impressive increase of 5 Shield skill easily puts this class as the second best shielder in the game with an astounding total of 9 Shield skill, beat only by the 10 of Royal Guards. ​ The generic One handed, Two handed, and Polearm WPF increases are still added, but this character is clearly more prepared to shield than use those weapons. ​ This class also gets 2 more Ironflesh, as compared to the 1 increase in the other two Sharpshooter hero classes. ​ This creates an increase in survivability that can mean the difference between a team wiping or holding through the wave as the Pavise Champion rushes in to take over shielding from an unfortunate Swadian. 
-**Over All** 
-Chosen Marksmen can reload faster, Aventuriers can use one handed weapons at a very high proficiency and get to be a little faster, and Pavise Champions have more survivability and a great ability to shield. ​ Each of these classes also gets a generic increase in Two handed and Polearm WPF as well as 2 Power strike to allow for some slashing if completely necessary. 
general/classes/crossbowman.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/23 01:26 (external edit)